Host / Host Team - DAHO.AM Developer Conference

We are kicking DAHO.AM, the little nerdy brother of Bits & Pretzels, to the next level and therefore we are looking for a host/host team to join our journey. So if you have a passion for Developer topics and can imagine yourself as host of an ambitious conference, you are just about to discover the damn best job the dev world has to offer. Sounds like a great opportunity? So enough with coding, all day, debugging all night! Apply now and become part of an awesome event team or, if you already have a great partner in crime, apply as a team.

What can you expect?
  • Create and ensure the best conference in the dev world
  • Be the new friend and mentor for hundreds of hungry developers
  • Set the stage for hot dev topics and get to stand on it
  • Use your keen eye for details to ensure the vision’s alive in every piece of the conference
  • Use your strong network to promote and strengthen the conference
Got you?

Then we are looking forward to your application.

Please send it to by indicating whether you could fulfill this job either next to your normal job like our Bits hosts Andy, Bernd and Felix (but then you need turbo extra passion, like the three), or as a full-time gig, or anything between.